Monday, February 18, 2013

What I Miss Most

If I could have one thing from home, it would definitely be my printer. Now I know what you're thinking... Out of everything I could have said, I chose something so random, but I have good reasoning. Printing is much more of an elongated process here in Spain. At W&J, I have a very nice HP printer that I can print assignments, travel info, pictures, etc. all from the comfort of my own bedroom. However, in Spain, you must go to a local copĂ­steria, buy a printing card, open everything on your flash drive, and pay per print. It's very inconvenient and much more of a hassle than in the U.S. If anything, it makes you realize how good we have it back home!

...there it is in the top right corner, my printer.

One other thing that I wish I could have is my memory foam mattress topper... My hard mattress here just doesn't cut it since I've slept on a cloud for so long! looks like a normal bed, but I promise you it's like a slice of heaven on Earth.

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